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Type of molding machine

2022-08-31 10:18:33

Molding machines are mainly divided into standard type, pull type, level type, general type, vertical type, gear type, crank type, hydraulic type, contour type and moving head, the most common is horizontal arrangement. Vertical shapers are usually equipped with a turntable to process curved surfaces (the same idea as in auger planing). A vertical molding machine is essentially the same as a slotting machine (slotting machine), but technically a true vertical molding machine can be distinguished if defined as a machine that can move a slider from a vertical direction. A slotting machine is fixed to the vertical plane


Operation of the molding machine

The workpiece is mounted on a rigid box-shaped workbench at the front of the machine. The height of the table can be adjusted to fit the workpiece and the table can be moved laterally under the reciprocating tool mounted on the slider. Table motion can be manually controlled, but is usually advanced by an automatic feed mechanism acting on a feed screw. The plunger slides back and forth over the workpiece. At the front of the plunger is a vertical tool slider that can be adjusted along the axis of travel to either side of the vertical plane. The tool slide is equipped with a clapper box and a tool holder from which the tool can be positioned to cut a straight plane at the top of the workpiece. The tool slider allows the tool to be fed down to deepen the cut. This flexibility, coupled with the use of specialized cutters and tool holders, allows the operator to cut both inner and outer gears.

The plunger can be adjusted for the stroke, and because of the geometry of the link, it moves faster in the return (non-cut) stroke than in the forward cut stroke. The return trip is controlled by the quick return mechanism.

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